
Seasons of Life: Halloween Blanket

There is nothing more constant than change. Seasons represent that change. We measure the joys, sorrows, and milestones of life by seasons. Nature's seasons and life's seasons teach us, change us, and shape us. In starting this (my mom's Festive and Fun blog) up again I will feel closer to her through celebrating seasons of life in a way she always would. I have lived a full year of seasons without her now, and it seems poetic to begin blogging as if she will continue through the seasons with me. She was amazing! I plan to continue her work because it inspires me. 

To kick off the Fall season, I finished a festive Halloween blanket that my mom had started. Enjoy the video tutorial and steps. 

Festive Halloween Blanket: How To--

1. Find the fabric you want. Can be one solid pieces, two solid pieces, or several different patterns patched together. 
2. Figure out what size blanket you want. This on is 44.5" by 61".
3. Align right sides together. Pin in place. 
4. Sew edges together, leaving a few inches opening to pull materials through to turn right side out. 
5. Push out edges to make sharp edges. 
6. Hem the opening.
7. Iron blanket, flattening edges. 
8. Cuddle up for the season!

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