1. Layer ingredients in jar, then cut four 3-inch pieces of brown chenille stem and wrap them around a longer piece.
2. Tie on additional 1-1/2-inch pieces to form Y-shape antlers, then hot-glue finished antlers onto the lid.
3. Cut out eyes from white and black construction paper. Glue eyes and a red pom-pom nose onto the jar.
In a 1 1/2-quart canning jar, other glass jar, or plastic canister layer ingredients in the following order: sugar, cocoa powder, milk powder, chocolate pieces, and crushed peppermint sticks.* Seal jar. Store in a cool, dry place for up to 1 month.
To make Decadent Hot Chocolate: In a large saucepan combine 2 cups of the hot chocolate mix and 1 2/3 cups water. Cook and stir over medium heat until chocolate pieces are melted and mixture is heated through. If desired, top each serving with marshmallows. Makes 4 servings.
Use a funnel or a piece of waxed paper or parchment paper that has been rolled into a funnel when layering ingredients into the jar or canister.