When I was a young girl, my family would vacation at Lake Arrowhead (California). My older sister and cousins would sneak out at night to throw rocks at the Bats. I would tag along with them, but I was terrified. I worried that one of the Bats would swoop down and bite me! Well, I won't have that worry with these Bat crafts.
When I think of bats, I think about them being ugly little animals, and they are! But a vampire bat is kind and good to its bat family. If a mama bat dies, another mama will adopt the children and take care of them. A bat family stays together until the baby bats are grown and make their own families. They can only live for two days without food or they will die. If one bat finds food and the other bat does not, then the one that found food will regurgitate some food to feed the other so it will not die. But if in the past the bat has been selfish and has not shared when there was a need, then the other bats will take note and not share with him if he is hungry. Even an ugly little bat knows that being selfish is wrong, and that if you want friends to be fair, then you, too, must share.
Many people are unaware that over 500 plant species rely on bats to pollinate their flowers, including species of mango, banana, and cocoa. So, next time you eat some chocolate, say thanks to the bats!
Martha Stewart |